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Accommodation & Transportation

1.    报到时间:10月15日至11月20日/Registration Time : From October.15th  to November. 20th.

2.报道地点/Registration location
1)吉林医药学院国际教育学院/College of International Education ,Jilin Medical University.
2)地址 /Address:吉林省吉林市吉林大街5号吉林医药学院留学生公寓 , International Students building, Jilin Medical University. No.5,Jilin street, Jilin city, Jilin province,P.R.China.

3.报道材料/Materials for Registration
1)护照和学习签证原件/Original Passport and X-visa
2)JW202和录取通知书原件/Original JW202 and Admission Notice
3)8张照片白底(护照尺寸)/8 photos (Passport size) white background

4.缴纳费用/Fees and Payment
 1)上缴的费用包括:学费(15000元/年)、保险费(800元/年)、住宿费(2000元/年\)、、体检费(400元)、居留许可费(800元/年)和书费(500元)等。/The fees which you should pay to the authorities include tuition(RMB15000Yuan/year), insurance(RMB800Yuan/year),accommodation(RMB2000Yuan/year)medical check(RMB400Yuan),residence permit(RMB800Yuan/year)and books  fee (RMB500Yuan),etc.
3)所有上交的费用以人民币结算,必须按年度缴纳,在入学报到时必须一次性交清。故意拖欠费用的将被退学。/The payment which you should make to the authorities is an annul lump-sum one must be made in RMB Yuan. You be expelled from UPC if you purposely in default on the payment.

5.入境须知/Entry Requirements
1)入境后24小时内到学校报道。/ You must come to UPC and report your migration status WITHIN 24 hours after entering China.
2)如无法及时报道并需要在校外住宿的,请在寄宿宾馆或就近公安局办理临时住宿登记手续。否则,24小时后将被罚款。/If you cannot get to UPC within 24 hours after entering China, you must register at the hotel or the nearest Police Office where you will temporally stay. Otherwise, you will be fined by police according to the Chinese laws.

Welcome to study at Jilin Medical University(吉林医药学院)