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  • Name:Jiangsu Map
  • Place of production:Jiangsu
  • Description:Situated in the lower reaches of the Changjiang River ( Yangtze River ) and bounded by the provinces of Shandong, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai City, Jiangsu is a province with wide alluvial plain. There is a intricate network of waterways and a large number of lakes. The well-known Grand Canal runs through the entire province from north to south. Most of the province is less than 50metres above sea level. Area: over 100000 km2.The province enjoys a temperate climate and four distinct seasons, with a moderate rainfall. Its annual mean temperature is 13-16C' and the annual precipitation is 600-1200 mm. With a long history and a rich cultural heritage, Jiangsu possesses a great number of famous historic-cultural cities, such as Nanjing,Suzhou, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Changshu, Xuzhou and Huai'an.
  • Original Points:10Points


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