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Why us

China University of Geosciences (CUG) is a national leading university under the direct leadership of the Ministry of Education, one of the first group university listed in the national "211" Project. China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) boasts a campus which covers an area of approximately 1.13million square meters with the scenic East Lake by its side, adjacent to national high-tech development zone and "China Optical Valley".


China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) is proud of her teaching staff consisting of 349 professors, 586 associate professors, 9 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 of International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, 4 of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2 of Russian Academy of Engineering, 10 specially-appointed academicians, 6 specially-appointed professors of “cheung kong scholars Scholars”, 124 doctoral supervisors. There are 106 experts enjoying the special governmental subsidy of the State Council and 6 enjoying the special governmental subsidy of Hubei Province.


China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) with the strong competitive edge in geology, resources, environment, and geological engineering technology combines the science and engineering academic disciplines with the social sciences and management academic disciplines. There are 22 faculties including science, engineering, literature, management, economics, law, education and philosophy. 62 undergraduate academic programs are authorized to grant bachelor's degrees, 118 academic programs are authorized to grant Master's degrees, 37 academic programs to grant Ph.D. degrees, and 13 engineering academic programs to grant Engineering Master's degrees, and 3 academic programs to offer post-doctoral floating centers.


Now China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) of has a total enrollment of over 44,400 students, including full-time undergraduates, master’s candidates, doctorial candidates and 20,460 overseas students.


The collection of the CUG library is extensive. With its more than 820,000 books and more than 10,000 electronic periodicals on hand for students, it is an ideal resource. There are over 670,000 Chinese books, 150,000 foreign books, and 1500 periodicals. It also has an easy system to use Database of the collection, making finding sources simple. An Automatic Management System and Electronic Reading Rooms have also been built, creating an up-to-date multi-media environment for students. The library also has digital resources that amount to 1,024G, 2 minicomputers, 10 severs, 150 computers.


International Education College 

International Education College handles official business together with CUG International Cooperation and Exchange Office. It is responsible for such international education affairs as the projects of joint school running, overseas school running, affairs of overseas students, and various international short-term trainings, etc.


The university provides the excellent teaching and living conditions for the foreign students. The students have their own classrooms and audio-visual education equipment. There is a reception center on the campus to offer star-hotel living condition and well-equipped dormitory is also available for foreign students. All kinds of restaurants and dining rooms open to the foreign students, who can select the eating style, as they like. There are football, basketball, volleyball and tennis playgrounds on the campus. Several shops and markets on the campus can meet the students' daily need.


Welcome to study at China University of Geosciences(中国地质大学(武汉))