China Foreign Affairs University, the only institution of higher learning under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of P.R.China, aims to train professional personnel in foreign service, international studies as well as in the careers related to international business and law. The university was founded in 1955 under the suggestion of the late Premier Zhou Enlai. Accredited by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council of the P.R.China, CFAU offers Doctoral, Master and Bachelor degrees.
Over the past 50 years China Foreign Affairs University has turned out nearly 20,000 students, who have became excellent talents in the fields of Diplomacy, Foreign Affairs and International Studies, and have made tremendous contributions to China’s cause of diplomacy. In the year of 2009, over 2400 Chinese students of different levels have been enrolled at CFAU.
A considerable number of international students from Eastern European countries received training at CFAU in the 1950s; many of them have now held senior diplomatic posts in their respective countries, or have become experts in intern..
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