NPU's Delegates Attend the 4th European CubeSat Symposium in Belgium
NPU News Network----Dr. Zhao Bin and Dr. Li Xin, both of whom are fromNPU’s School of Astronautics and SElM (Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory forMicrosatellite), attended the 4th European CubeSat Symposium and QB50 3rdWorkshop from January 28 to February 5 in Brussels Belgium. At the symposium,they delivered a report entitled “Attitude Control System Design of CubeSat” toabout 200 participants who are scholars in satellite, college teachers orstudents. The conference discussed the current development state of CubeSat andits future trend. The sponsor gave a detailed presentation on the progress ofQB50 and held in-depth exchange with the participate.
Through the network composed of 50 cubesats, QB50conducted multi-point measurement in orbit at low atmospheric layer which hasbeen little explored by mankind, meanwhile carrying out the research onsatellite’s reentry into the atmosphere. NPU, as one of the major initiators,submitted relevant scheme in October of 2010 to the Seventh Frame Agreement Subordinate to European Commission, together with some well known research institutes like Netherlands’ Delft University of Technology, the UK’s Surrey University Space Center, the Space Center in Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology in Lausanne, Germany Leibniz Atmospheric Physics Research Institute,and Stanford University. Until January 16, 2012, 91universities and researchinstitutes worldwide had applied for participation in related project. By 2014,50 cubesats will have achieved carrying launch. In our country, 11 universitieshave applied for the participation in the project, including NorthwesternPolytechnical University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, National University of Defense Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Macau University of Scienceand Technology, Taiwan National Cheng Kung University. NPU is the only general coordination unit in Asia.