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College of Humanities & Social Science 人文与社会科学学院
List of Subjects
1 Finance and Banking (Bachelor)   Apply
2 Law (Bachelor)   Apply
3 Radio and Television Science (Bachelor)   Apply
4 Philosophy of Science and Technology (Master)   Apply
5 olitical Science and Marxist Theories (Master)   Apply
6 Regional Economics (Master)   Apply
The College of Humanities & Social Science at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was established in 1984. With 20 years’ development, it has developed itself into a comprehensive college covering law, economics, philosophy, and management. It plays a crucial part in the discipline construction and culture construction among the domestic comprehensive universities.
It has four departments: Department of Law and Political Science; Department of Economics; Department of English (for English majors and graduate and PhD students of science); Department of College English (for undergraduate science students). Besides, there are three research institutes: Institute of Regional Economy; Institute of Finance and Capital Market; Institute of Legal Affairs. There are four centers: Center of Science, Technology and Economic Legal System; Center of Comparative Study of the Chinese and Western Languages and Cultures; Foreign Languages Training Center and Self-taught Examination Center. The total number of students reaches 1000.
At present, it has a capacity of 86 staff members with 76 full-time teachers. There are 15 full professors, 19 associate professors, 4 doctoral supervisors, and 34 master supervisors. It is home to several doctoral directions, 13 master’s programs and 3 bachelor’s programs. Under the principle of “management, manuduction, service and talents cultivation”, the College constantly innovates the work train of thought and trains a great number of students with strong comprehensive qualities and high political quality.
Long before, the College attaches great importance to scientific research. A considerable number of experiments have been widely studied in the fields of Humanities & Social Science and many new subjects have been carried out. The college has contributed a lot of high quality results to the academic world.
Length of study
Undergraduate students: 4 years
Master’s students: 2-3 years
Doctoral students: 3 years
Application time
For Bachelor Degree Students in Aeronautical Engineering
The Application dates are from March 15th to Sept. 10th.
For Bachelor Degree Students
The Application dates are from March 15th to August 30th.
For Master and Ph.D. Degree Students
The Application dates for the spring semester are from September 15th to December 31 of the year prior to enrollment, and for the fall semester, from March 1 to August 10 of the year of enrollment.
Entry requirements
For Bachelor’s degree
Under the age of 25, a high school graduate or with equivalent qualification, able to take courses in Chinese (passing the 4th level HSK), or to major in either Aeronautical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering taught in English medium
For Master’s degree
Under the age of 40, a B.S. degree or equivalent qualification, able to take courses in English or in Chinese (reaching the 4th level HSK), two letters of recommendation from persons of at least associate professor status.
For Doctoral degree
Under the age of 45, a M.S. degree or equivalent qualification, able to take courses in English or in Chinese (reaching the 4th level HSK), two letters of recommendation from persons of at least associate professor status.
Tuition fees
Application fee
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree

Welcome to study at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astrona..(南京航空航天大学)