The College of Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was established in 1994. It now owns 2 departments: Department of Mathematics and Department of Applied Physics. The former department covers one bachelor’s program, one authorized first-level master programs and 7 authorized master programs. The latter department owns one bachelor’s program, 3 authorized first-level master programs, 10 authorized second-level master programs, one authorized first-level doctoral program and one authorized second-level doctoral program.
At present, it owns 101 staff members with 87 full-time teachers. 41% of them are Doctoral degrees. Among them there are 18 full professors, 24 associate professors or advanced engineers with 9 doctoral supervisors and 27 master supervisors. The staff has a high education level, a balanced structure of knowledge and age. Depending upon the religious teaching, sequential management, the College has made great achievements on teaching and scientific research. It has an enrollment of more than 900 students in the college. Since 1985, it has cultivated over 190 graduates and 800 undergraduates. Most of them have become the academic leader, famous experts both domestically and internationally and others are working as the backbone or the leadership in their enterprises. Some of them even go abroad for further study.
Besides for the professional teaching, the College also puts great emphasize on scientific research. In the recent years, it has published 20 teaching materials, 9 monographs and won a considerable number of awards in various kinds. It has great advantages in computational mathematics, applied mathematics, condensed matter physics, and laser technology and so on. It has undertaken more than 30 projects of National Natural Science Funds, National Defense Research, Aviation Science Funds and Jiangsu Natural Science Funds and so on. There are 250 pieces of papers having been published in the core journals and magazines which have profound influence at home and abroad.
Length of study
Undergraduate students: 4 years
Master’s students: 2-3 years
Doctoral students: 3 years
Application time
For Bachelor Degree Students in Aeronautical Engineering
The Application dates are from March 15th to Sept. 10th.
For Bachelor Degree Students
The Application dates are from March 15th to August 30th.
For Master and Ph.D. Degree Students
The Application dates for the spring semester are from September 15th to December 31 of the year prior to enrollment, and for the fall semester, from March 1 to August 10 of the year of enrollment.
Entry requirements
For Bachelor’s degree
Under the age of 25, a high school graduate or with equivalent qualification, able to take courses in Chinese (passing the 4th level HSK), or to major in either Aeronautical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering taught in English medium
For Master’s degree
Under the age of 40, a B.S. degree or equivalent qualification, able to take courses in English or in Chinese (reaching the 4th level HSK), two letters of recommendation from persons of at least associate professor status.
For Doctoral degree
Under the age of 45, a M.S. degree or equivalent qualification, able to take courses in English or in Chinese (reaching the 4th level HSK), two letters of recommendation from persons of at least associate professor status.
Tuition fees
Application fee
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree