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Art work by teachers and students from School of Fine Arts won German “Reddot Design Award”



Recently, the 2012 “Reddot Design Award” awarding ceremony was ceremoniously held in Singapore Red Design Museum. The art work by students Deng Hui, Zhou Haipeng, Chen Qiyuan, Kang Xiaojing and Chi Yuwei stood out from the massive entries all over the world with the guidance of Zhang Qu, a teacher in University of Technology department of of industrial design, and won the 2012 Red Desin Award concept award. In the meanwihile, another six works by tachers and students from Tianjin University of Technology were also in the shortlists, it was the first honor that teachers and students of Tianjin University of Technoloy won.


Red Dot Award is originated from Germany. It is one of the Global largest, and most authorized designing competitions, known as the top three international design award together with German IF Design Award, American IDEA Design Award, it is regarded as “Oscar” in design circle. Red Dot Award contains Product Design Prize, Communication Deisgn Prize and Design Concept Priace three parts, it has become universities, professional design institutionss and free designers’ mostly concerned internatonal event in which university students and designers from almost hundred countries took part. It has great interntional impact. 


The 2012 Reddot Concept Award received 3672 pieces of works from global 57 conuntires, through appraisal of 21 judges from 13 countries, finally seclected 217 pieces of works that won Redot design concept wards. The award that teachers and students of Tianjin University of Technology School of Fine Art won not only refelect Tianjin University education level, but also showed construction achievement of Tianjin University industrial design brand, and meant that Tianjin University industrial design is moving towards international standards.





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