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Canada Quebec University Xikutimi campus president and a delegation visited Tianjin University of Technology


On 28th, Novemembe, Quebec University Xikutimi campus president Martin Gauthier, excutive secretary Marc Gravle of international cooperation committee and its project managers Marie anne Blackburn and Ke Li, visited Tianjin University of Technology. President Ma Jianbiao, vice president Zhang Hua interviewed the guests, responsible person of department of international exchange, and person in charge of school of management attended the interview. Two parties dicussed jonit school operation programs.


During the visit, president Martin Gauthier and the other three guests negotiated with person in charge of college of computer science and telecommunication, and person in charge of college of fine art as well as person in charge of management. They discussed about the second session preparation work for second session of master degree of computer science programs’ teaching plan and its pracitce, the teaching arrangement and admission for bachelor’s 3D Animation and digital design and the problems in master degree of project management operation, the negotiation effectively promoted successful implementation of two universities cooperation.


Since the cooperation with Canada Quebec University Xikutimi campus was carried out, Tianjin University of Technology obeys the rules by Chinese-foreign cooperation in running the school regulations of People’s Republic of China, carried out standard management, protocoled sicentific syllabus, set up pefect disciplines, and was distinct in school running. Through positively introducting and using foreign high quality teaching recourses, Tianjin University of Technology cultivated out a batch of talents and made sound social benefits.


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