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Admission and Registration
Documents required for registration Original Admission Letter and Visa Application for Study in China (JW 202 form); Original passports and passport copy of page with basic information, arrival date and visa issued by the embassy; Physical examination forms (including the original blood laboratory test reports, X-rays and electrocardiograms).The physical examination can be done in China; 12 peonal passport-sized(4.8*3.3cm, blue background) Note: Students should enroll in Wuhan Univeity within the registration period (specified in the Admission Letter). Otherwise, one will be deprived of the student status. Exception can be made to those who has informed the school of their specific reaso and whose delay ...
FAQs About Registration in China Universities
Q: What is the registration procedure? A: All students have to register on their designated day of registration. Students must bring the following documents and register at the Internatioal Students Admission Office Admission Notice (original copy) Visa Application for Study in China form/JW202 form (original copy) Physical examination record and blood test reports Passport Photos in passport size (at least 12 copies) Academic documents (Degree certificate and tracripts) you have provided at the time of admission (Noterized copy, please note these documents would be kept in the students' file and would not be returned) Q: What ...
FAQs About Registration in China Universities
Q: What is the registration procedure? A: All students have to register on their designated day of registration. Students must bring the following documents and register at the Internatioal Students Admission Office Admission Notice (original copy) Visa Application for Study in China form/JW202 form (original copy) Physical examination record and blood test reports Passport Photos in passport size (at least 12 copies) Academic documents (Degree certificate and tracripts) you have provided at the time of admission (Noterized copy, please note these documents would be kept in the students' file and would not be returned) Q: What ...
Introduction to Chinese Visas
X visa: student visa, suitable for all students,especially those who will study in China for more than six months. Usually students can apply for X visa by submitting passport, admission notice, visaapplication form (JW202/201), physical examination report (required in somecountries) and photos to the local Chinese embassy or coulate. Any student holding an X visa must apply for the residence permit within 30 days after entering China. F visa: visitor&quo;s visa, usually valid for 60-180days, suitable for those who plan to study less than six months. Students canapply for F visa by submitting passport, admission notice, JW202/201, physical examination report (required in some countries) and photos to the local Chinese embassy or coulate. If students with F visa ...
Course Application
FAQs about Coue Application Published:2013-10-12 Q: Can I begin my degree study in February? A: No, degree programs only start from each September. Q: When can I apply? A: Bachelor applicants please submit your application before Jun 10 of the year Master or doctorate applicants please submit your application materials before April 30 Language applicants to be enrolled in spring semester, please apply between November 1 and January 31.and to be enrolled in autumn semester, apply between May 1 and July 31 are acceptable. Q: How to apply? A: Applicants can apply through two ways: 1. We strongly suggest you to apply online and upload all documents required. 2. If you cannot apply online successfully, you can also apply through email: fit download the ...
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Help Center
Admission and Registration
FAQs About Registration in China Universities
FAQs About Registration in China Universities
Introduction to Chinese Visas
Course Application