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China University of Geoscience alumni, Graduates of grade 84 donate money to mother school


Rencently, China University of Geoscience alumni donated 840,000 to their mother school. The university educational development fundation president Zhang Jinlang, The Party’s deputy secretary Fu Anzhou, graduate of Grade 84 Zhang Nanping and part of the alumni, responsible person of relevant department attended the donation ceremony. Educational development fundation general secretary Tao Jidong hosted the ceremony.  

Alumni of Grade 84 graduates decided to found “ Grade 84 graduate alumni reward fund” so as to repay mother school’s grace of education, through the fund to enhance students friendship, motivate young talents, and make contribution to the development of mother school. 

Zhang Jingao and Zhang Nanping, Feng Xiaola jointly signed donation agreement, and awarded certificate of donation to grade 84 graduates alumni. Fu anzhou on behalf of the university accpeted the donation.

It is said that “Grade 84 graduate alumni reward fund” is open endowment fund, it can accept donation to depoisit into the fund, use fund interest income award for outstanding young teachers under the age of 35 and family ecomomy difficult students who is excellent both in personality and study. The 840,000 comes from “Graduate of grade 84”, expressed graduate of grade 84’s greatkindness to their mother school.

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