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Nursing Department护理学院
List of Subjects
1 Nursing Science (Bachelor)   Apply
2 Nursing Science (Master)   Apply
3 Ear, Nose and Throat Science (Master)   Apply
4 Nursing of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine (Doctor)   Apply
5 Nursing of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine (Doctoral)   Apply
The Nursing Department of Dalian Medical University was founded in May, 2001. All students are from high middle school and this department provides a quality program for its students to earn a Bachelor of Science in medicine through five years’ study in this university. However, beginning with the spring of 2004, Nursing Department changed the five years’ study into four. Now, this department has more than 600 students.
The purpose of the Nursing Department is to continually seek to promote and maintain a rich and stimulating research, teaching and learning environment in order to provide education which encompasses the best relevant experience for students preparing for their professional roles in health care.
Nursing Department share excellent facilities including purpose designed clinical skill laboratories, classrooms and theatres with our university and the affiliated hospitals of Dalian Medical University. The department has in a all along strategy for strengthening the medicine programs with emphasis on access to information using the University's managed learning environment. The professors from the university and the hospital provide a range of high quality practice focused courses for undergraduate nursing students. The department also has a portfolio of Complementary Medicine programs and some other medical fundamental programs.
The staffs of the Nursing Department have a diverse range of knowledge and expertise in the fields of Nursing. All staffs have (or are attaining) teaching and postgraduate qualifications with an increasing number of staff registering as members of the Institute of Learning and Teaching.
The department provides an extensive range of courses in nursing and complementary medicine, spanning the full range of academic levels, enabling students to develop their potential through a variety of learning and teaching strategies.
The graduated nurses are qualified to work in community and hospital settings, for example in surgical nursing, emergency nursing, primary health care and so on. Some of them may progress to postgraduate studies which subsequently will lead to career promotion as nurse specialists, clinical managers, administrators and educators.
Length of Study
Bachelor’s program (Chinese Medium): 4-5 years
Bachelor’s program (English Medium): 6 years
Master’s program: 2-4 years
Doctor’s program: 3-5 years
Application Time
For international students, the academic year begins in September. The duration for application is from March 1st to June 30th.
Entry Requirements
Undergraduates (Chinese medium): Age: 18-25, with an educational background equal to high school graduation in China, and Band III certificate in HSK (Examination on Chinese language level).
Undergraduates (English medium): Age: 18-25, with an educational background equal to high school graduation in China, 10+2 exam result should be more than 60%.
Master candidates: With an educational background equal to a bachelor degree from Chinese universities, having passed the enrollment test for Postgraduates for M.A., recommended by 2 university professors, and Band VI certificate in HSK.
Doctor candidates: With an educational background equal to M.A. scholarship from Chinese universities, qualified by assessment, recommended by two university professors, and Band VI certificate in HSK.
Tuition Fees
Application Fee
Bachelor’s Program (Chinese Medium)
RMB 24,000/year
RMB 800
Bachelor’s Program (English Medium)
RMB 42,000/year
RMB 800
Master’s Program
RMB 32,000/year
RMB 800
Doctoral Program
RMB 36,000/year
RMB 800

Welcome to study at Dalian Medical University(大连医科大学)