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College of Chinese Language & Literature文学院
List of Subjects
1 Chinese Language & Literature (Bachelor)   Apply
2 Chinese Language (Master)   Apply
3 Comparative Literature & World Literature (Master)   Apply
4 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Master)   Apply
5 Chinese philology (Master)   Apply
6 Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature (Master)   Apply
7 Ancient Chinese Literature (Master)   Apply
8 Comparative Literature& World Literature (Doctor)   Apply
9 Linguistics & Applied Linguistics (Doctor)   Apply
10 Modern& Contemporary Chinese Literature (Doctor)   Apply
The College of Chinese Language & Literature at Jilin University boasts 210 faculty and staff including 44 full professors (14 of them are Ph.D. supervisors) and 40 associate professors. In addition, the College has a member of the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council and two members of the Disciplines Appraising Group of the State Council. The College is a National Base for the Cultivation of Liberal Art Talents and a Ministry of Education Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences Studies. In addition, it has three provincial key academic programs. Distinguished scholars, men of letters and linguists are also in this college.
In recent years, the faculty members have undertaken 50 research projects and published 335 monographs, textbooks, translations, and dictionaries, and 2390-odd research papers. They have received 15 awards from China’s Ministry of Education for their outstanding achievements in research. Relying on Northeast Asia, emphasizing the relationship with Russia, reaching out for Europe, America, as well as Africa, promoting relationship with Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia - with these strategic guidelines in mind, JLU has recently set up intercollegiate collaboration relationship with 49 universities / colleges in United States, Canada, Austria, South Korea, Japan, Australia, etc. Number of agreements increased form the original 80 to the present 130.
The College enrolls 1361 full-time students including 344 postgraduate students and 40 doctoral students. The students enjoy a diverse campus life and the college has a variety of student clubs among which “Zi Yan” drama club plays an active role. What’s more, there are 3 key libraries which consist of thousands of books and magazines. It has established wide cooperative relationships with many foreign universities and institutions and corporations. The faculty members have visited abroad thousands of times, while more than 500 foreign experts have been invited to attend international conferences, give lectures, or conduct joint research on campus. Present enrollment of foreign students exceeds 1000.
Length of study
Undergraduate students: 4years
Postgraduate students: 3 years
Doctoral students: 3 years
Application time
For Bachelor’s degree, the duration for application is from March 1st --July 30th. The academic year begins from August 25 to September 1 stated in the admission notice issued by the university.
For Master’s degree and Doctoral degree, the application time is from March 1 to May 30.
Entry requirements
For Bachelor’s degree: Applicants must be at least 18 years old; at least with a high school diploma. The applicants have adequate Chinese language proficiency (HSK Band 3 for science, and engineering students, Band 6 for humanities and social science). The students whose Chinese language is not proficient enough may enroll first in a one-year Intensive Chinese Language Study Program.
For Master’s degree: the applicants should have Bachelor’s degree, recommended by two associate professors or above, academic records, health certificate and HSK6 certificate or above.
For Doctoral degree:the applicants should have Master’s degree, academic records, recommended by two associate professors or above, health certificate and HSK6 certificate or above..
Tuition fees

Application fee
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
Doctoral degree

Welcome to study at Jilin University(吉林大学)