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School of History and Culture历史文化学院
List of Subjects
1 History历史学(Bachelor)   Apply
2 World History世界历史(Bachelor)   Apply
3 Archeology考古学(Bachelor)   Apply
4 Cultural Assets Management文化产业管理(Bachelor)   Apply
5 Archival Science档案学(Bachelor)   Apply
6 Archaeology and Museology考古学及博物馆学(Master/Doctor)   Apply
7 Historical Geography历史地理学(Master/Doctor)   Apply
8 Studies of Historical Literature历史文献学(Master/Doctor)   Apply
9 History of Particular Subjects专门史(Master/Doctor)   Apply
10 Ancient Chinese History中国古代史(Master/Doctor)   Apply
11 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History中国近现代史(Master)   Apply
12 World History世界史(Master/Doctor)   Apply
13 Archival Science档案学(Master)   Apply
The administrative level of our school at present was founded in February 2001, headed with Professor Wang Yuji as the Dean, Professor Yu Haiguang as the secretary of the Party, and others such as Professor Zhao Aiguo, Doctor Zhao Xingsheng, associate Professor Zhang Youcheng and Rong Xiaoyan.
At present (November 2002), the number of our faculty has reached 54, among which there are 31 professors, 15 associate professors and 8 lecturers. And professors have taken the majority of 60 percent of the faculty, which tops that of every school of S.D.U. Accordingly; the whole constructive power in the field of history and culture is great. We have majors of history, archeology, and archives and some research institutes or centers.
There are 373 undergraduates, 139 graduates of master and 46 graduates of doctor. Our teaching and administrative characteristic which connects moral development and intellectual development has configurated, thanks to our historical and profound tradition and peculiar advantage of academy. In 1999, our undergraduate Chen Bichang was selected Vice President of National Students' League. In the same year, Gao Shen was laurelled one of S.D.U.'s the first session of "Excellent College Students". In 2001, Wang Yuanchong was given a better award that is provincial. The magazine named "Chang Feng", which is run by, Student Union, has topped first for four years in S.D.U. In the recent five years, the rates of employment have always been high in S.D.U., especially in 2001 and 2002.
Our reference room is one of the two school-class reference rooms in S.D.U. Currently it packs the smyth-sewed ancient works over 40,000 volumes, the modern Chinese books near 10,000 kinds, outside original books over 20,000 kinds, periodical 30,000 kinds. Moreover, other research institutes hold 20,000 volumes more. And S.D.U. Institute for the Study of Religion, Science and Social Problems owns the most abundant files on Daoism history homogeneously presently.
In October 2001, the multi-media schoolroom, invested by the university and us, is the most advanced in S.D.U at present, and fits for modern teaching.
We have 11 schoolrooms, a multi-media room (also as a big report hall), an audio-visual room, a diminutive report hall, and archeology museum, furnished with 70 national first-class remains.
In the latter of 2002, the electronic ancient-work laboratory was created, invested by both the university and us, and is equipped with 30 computers. Another project, funded by the university with 300,000 yuan to reinforce, decorate, the reference room and pack away the ancient smyth-sewed works, will be accomplished next year.

Welcome to study at Shandong University(山东大学)