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Lehigh University Delegation Visit Our University


13, Sept. a 12 delegation led by President Alice P. Gast and vice President Mohamed S. El-Aasser visited Tongji University. President Gang Pei, and vice President Qi Dong met the delegation in Yifu Building. The both side had a deep dicussion on how to carry out and promote cooperation in students communicatin, young teachers mutual visit, and summer campus and so on.
In the interview, Pei introduced Tongji University’s history, subjects settings, outstanding engineers plan and new international schooling methds, strongly mentioned the undergoing Sustainable campus construction. He hoped that on the basic of former dooperation, the two universities integrae resources and focus on the theme of sustainable development to enhance exchange in corsee-subjects filed, strengthen undergraduate mutual visiting, as built long-term and effective cooperation mechanism
conversation with relevant professors
Later, reprisentatives from Lehigh University visited Tongji University’s College of Civil Engineering, College of Economics and Management, College of Marxism, College of Politics and international relations, Physics Department, Chemistry Department and Jisding Campus, had
Gast highly agreed with President Pei’s onpinion on enhancing both side’s cooperation. She indicated that contact between Tongji University and Lehigh University was very frequent, through mutual visit and communication, the universities found more common points and patential cooperation. Lehigh University will look Tongji University as on of the best partners. Beside existing Professors’ and students’ exchange, both side also could continue promoting the cooperation relation on the stage of undergraduates commuunication mode and United Nations shaed.    

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