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Welcome to Xiamen University of Technology(厦门理工学院)

Xiamen University of Technology (XMUT), which was established simultaneously with Xiamen Special Economic Zone, is a provincial public university, offering a wide array of degree programs at the undergraduate levels. It was built and developed under the joint efforts of Xiamen Municipal Government and the Fujian Provincial Government.


Currently, XMUT has a total enrollment of over 14,000 students. Over 11,000 are full-time undergraduate students and 3-year associate degree students (including international students) and part-time adult learners registered with XMUT total 3,000. The University has a full-time faculty of more than 700, among which one is Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 are specially invited professors who are awarded as Chinese Cheung Kong Scholars. Of the full-time faculty and researchers, 32.8% are professors or associate professors, while 70.8% have a master's or Ph.D. degree.


Xiamen University of Technology has two campuses, one in Siming District and the other in Jimei New District. The Siming campus is nestled at the ..View more

Welcome to study at Xiamen University of Technology(厦门理工学院)