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Short English drama competition of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics English Festival was put on the statge in universities in Chendu


To be finale program of Southwestern University of Finance and Economic serious English activities, the 11th English Festival of Short English Drama competition ended on 24th November, in order to promote inter-school communication and spread outstanding campus culture achievement of SWUFE, the university organized part crews of this short English drama competition to give a show in Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The English drama The Queen, Dram is life and other programs of SWUFE were put on the stage, these programs were performaced so wonderful that won praise of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This performance is an exploration that SWUFE establish cooperation platforms, promote inter-school communication and spread outstanding campus culture achievement, and the event got substantial support from two universites’s college of foreign language. Both parties indicated that the two universities would establish long cooperation mechanism to further strengthen the cooperation and communication in talents cultivation and campus culture acitvities with foregn language characterized

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