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College of Stomatology口腔医学院
List of Subjects
1 Stomatology (Bachelor) Program: Stomatology (Bachelor) ...  Apply
2 Clinical Science of Stomatology (Master) Program: Clinical Science of ...  Apply
3 Stomatology(Dental Technology) (Bachelor)   Apply
4 Basic Science of Stomatology (Bachelor)   Apply
5 Basic Science of Stomatology (Master)   Apply
Founded in 1985, the College of Stomatology has staff of 80 members including 19 full and associate professors. Sixty four freshmen are recruited each year. Five departments are included in this school, they are: basic stomatology, surgical stomatology, internal stomatology, repair stomatology, and orthopedic stomatology. It is equipped with many sophisticated surgical instruments. In recent years, 18 research projects have been funded from state, provincial and municipal sources.

Welcome to study at Dalian Medical University(大连医科大学)