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Accommodation & Transportation
1)Accommodation on campus

 Double room
 RMB 35-40 / Day/Person
public bath room; air-con; phone and television
 Single room
 RMB 70-80/Day/Room
public bath room; air-con; phone and television
 Standard single room
 RMB 132/Day/Room
public bath room; air-con; phone and television
There is free Internet access in every room.

2) Private flats
According to different facilities, conditions and services, the cost ranges between ¥1200-¥3000 per month ( near university).
How to get to ECNU
a. It will cost about ¥40 for the 30 minutes’ taxi drive from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport to East China Normal University.
b. There are several airport bus lines located just out of the arrival halls if you arrive at Pudong International Airport. There are two airport bus lines recommended: You can take No. 3 airport bus to the terminal West Zhongshan Road, and then transfer to taxi for your destination ECNU.
c. Or you may take airport bus No. 6 to Bai Yu Road, and then take a taxi to ECNU.

Welcome to study at East China Normal University(华东师范大学)