Lingnan campus is conveniently located at Guangzhou City of Science, west to the national software industry base camp, Guangzhou Tianhe Software Park, north to Olympic Sports Center of Guangzhou and World Grand View. The campus is divided to three sites – east campus, south campus and Liberal Arts College. Covering an area of 696 Chinese acres, Lingnan has 220,000 square meters of building structure, 12,000 fulltime enrollments and an alumni population of 10,000.
Lingnan provides the students with the first-class facility, which includes 88 multimedia classrooms, 123 laboratories and practical training sites, a modern library covers an area of 18200 square meters and a volume of 610,000 hard copy books and an access to 310,000 digital books. The IT infrastructure of Lingnan has reached the national level II requirement for all universities. Other than teaching buildings, Lingnan also has excellent sports facilities that consist of a national level stadium, an outward-bound training base, and a standard track and field site and soccer field.
Lingnan offers 33 major studies by 10 schools - Business School, School of Information Science, School of Modern Manufacturing, School of Arts and Media, School of Foreign Studies and Trades, School of Medicine and Health, School of Digital Education, School of Continuing Education, Center for Political Science Education, and International Education Center.
Lingnan has a faculty team of 771 members, 477 of them are fulltime teachers, 83 faculty members have senior title, 178 with mid-level title, 113 of the team have graduate degrees, and 115 teachers are qualified for both technical professions and teaching professions.
2. Admission Criteria
(1) Chinese Language Studies: high school graduates, generally healthy.
(2) Associate Degree: High school or post secondary school graduates with diploma. Liberal arts major requires HSK level 6 certificates, engineering major requires HSK level 4 certificates. Lingnan provides Chinese language class to candidates who have not passed HSK test.
(3) Short term study: Age 60 and below, a minimum of 10 people is required.
3. Student Record and Certificate Service:
(1) Student Record Service: Students in the degree programs can refer to the related school regulations. Students with satisfactory grade level receive degree certificate, otherwise will receive certificate of study only.
(2) Students in the non-degree programs will obtain certificate of completion of study if grades are satisfactory, otherwise can only get certificate of study.
4. Academic Programs:
(1) Chinese Language course:
Crash Course
Intensive course in reading, writing, speaking
1 year/2 semester
Fundamental Course
Basic listening, conversation and reading,
1 year/2 semester
Intermediate Course
Intermediate listening and speaking, An outline of modern Chinese grammar
1 year/2 semester
Advanced Course
Advanced listening and speaking, applied writing,
1 year/2 semester
Business Chinese
Oral Chinese for Business
1 year/2 semester
(2) Degree Program:
HSK qualified students may choose one for the following majors for degree study.
Business school: Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource management, Management and
development of trade show.
School of medicine and health: Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical studies, public nutrition
School of Arts and Media: landscape design, fashion design, advertisement
School of Information Science: Automobile Electronics, Artificial Intelligent electronics, E-commerce
School of foreign studies and trades: English for Hotel Management, Business English, International Secretary
School of Modern Manufacturing: CNC technology (Computer Number Control), Computer-aided Mold Design
(3) Short term program and elective courses:
Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese martial arts, Introduction to China (required by degree program students), Chinese history, Classic Chinese movie, Chinese literature, Business Chinese, HSK test training, Chinese Speech Therapy
And the lectures on the following topics:
Chinese customs, Tea Culture, Chinese culinary arts, Classic Chinese Operas, Classic Chinese Music
Lingnan will offer courses and lectures on any interested topics with a request from the student body.
5. How to apply:
(1) Application material:
International Student Application Form
Diploma and Transcripts: Submit certified English translations of your secondary or post secondary school diploma and transcripts.
HSK test results: Submit certified copy of your HSK test report
No Criminal Record: Submit a notarized English copy of your no criminal record issued by your local police office within 3 months of your application submission.
Health Certificate: Submit a certified English copy of your recent health certificate
Photograph: provide 6 copies (passport size)
Chinese Language Requirements: All international students apply to the degree program must produce evidence of their Chinese language ability. International students must pass HSK level-3 to register any class. However, pre-sessional Chinese language courses are offered on a cost base to the international students till they pass HSK level-3.
Important Dates:
Lingnan Institute is on a semester academic calendar. New international students are admitted to the school twice a year.
Application Deadlines
Orientation week
Class Begin
July 30
Late August
Sept. 1
Nov. 30
Late Jan. – Early Feb.
Mid Feb.
(2) Admission Process
i.International Education Center will review the application material and issue the admission letter to the qualified students shortly after the application deadline. Together with the admission letter, we will send you the “Chinese Visa Application for Foreign Students.” (form JW201 or JW202).
ii.International Student shall go to Chinese Embassy/Consulate at the home country for X/F visa applications. The documents required are, Admission Letter from Lingnan Institute of Technology, form JW201/ JW202, and Health Certificate. Should you need assistance from Lingnan to transfer from other type of visa to student visa, you shall pay for the extra cost.
iii.Before orientation week starts, International student shall bring the admission letter to International Education Center for registration. The admission is voided once the orientation starts.