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Welcome to Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance(上海立信会计金融学院)

Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance was founded in March 2016 as a public university by the merger of Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce and Shanghai Finance University. Featuring quality education and research in accounting and finance, it aims to serve the economic and social development strategies of the state and the city of Shanghai; to contribute to the construction of the “Four Centers”, namely the International Center of Economy, Finance, Trade and Shipping, and to build a Sci-tech Innovation Center with global influence.

In 1928, Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce (SLUC) was founded by Dr. Pan Xulun, a famous educator honored as the “Father of Modern Accounting in China”. In 1952, the forerunner of Shanghai Finance University (SFU)- Shanghai Banking School - was established by the People's Bank of China. Both universities have been recognized in t..View more

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Program Degree Tuition Details
Insurance 保险学 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Finance Management 财务管理 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Public Finance 财政学 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
E-business 电子商务 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Law 法学 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Business Management 工商管理 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
International Accounting 国际会计学 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
International Finance 国际金融学 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
International Economics and Trade 国际经济与贸易 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
International Business 国际商务 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Administrative Management 行政管理 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details
Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与技术 Bachelor's Degree RMB20000/Y Details

Welcome to study at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and F..(上海立信会计金融学院)