School of Mathematics and System Sciences is one of the faculties of Shandong University with long history. Its predecessor can be traced to Mathematics Department of College of Sciences National Tsingtao University founded in 1930. The Department developed rapidly since the foundation of our People's Republic. The year 1957 witnessed the establishment of teaching and research program in Pure Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Operational Research and Control Theory, together with our program in Probability and Statistics, Computer Sciences afterward. In 1977, the Department offers undergraduate program in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Operational Research and Control Theory. In order to promote its development, Shandong University established the School of Mathematics and System Sciences in 1996. In July 2000, the new Shandong University reconstructed based on merging Shandong University, Shandong Medical University, Shandong Industrial University. The School now actually consists of mathematicians from these three universities. As well as exerting the great international influence, it has been in the leading position in the domestic and foreign realms of mathematics.
In accordance with the evaluation carried out by Education Ministry in 2002, Operational Research and Control Theory are listed as State-level key subjects, while Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics are provincial key subjects. We offer 3 posts of "Distinguished Professor for Yangtze River Academic Awarding Plan" issued by Ministry of Education, one for each subject. And we also offer 1 post of "Mountain Tai Professor" for Operational Research and Control Theory. The School has been approved to be the first "National Center for Basic Scientific Research and Teaching Personal Training of Natural Sciences" by Ministry of Education since 1991.
Approved by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, the School is able to confer Doctoral degree to students in every field of the Mathematical Sciences including Pure Mathematics, Numerical Mathematics, Operation Research and Control Theory, Applied Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, System Theory, Financial Mathematics and Financial Engineering, Information Security. All doctoral subjects within the School have post-doctoral research stations.
There are more than 130 teachers in the School now, including over 40 full professors, over 70 associate professors, 34 doctoral supervisors, 1 Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 "Distinguished Professors for Yangtze River Academic Awarding Plan", 1 "Mountain Tai Professor", and 3 professors named as "State Scientific Fund for Excellent Youth". In addition, faculty members in the School have frequently produced original research results and published numerous academic papers. Since 1991 the School has been awarded 1 first and 1 second prize from the State Award for Natural Sciences, 2 third prizes from the State Award for Sciences and Technology Progress, more than 10 first prizes, more than 30 second and third prizes on the provincial and commission level.
The School is striving to make a greater contribution to the development of Science and Economic Constructions in the new century.
Thanks to the painstaking efforts and hard work of several generations in the past 100 years, the field of Mathematics at Shandong University takes on a new look nowadays. It has a large contingent of outstanding mathematicians, more than 300 Master's degree graduates, and around 120 Doctoral graduates at present. More than 500 graduate students are engaged in various professions home and abroad, among whom are the representatives such as the current President of Shandong University Professor Tao Zhan, Director of School of Mathematics and System Sciences of Science Academician Lei Guo, Dean of School of Mathematical Sciences Peking University Professor Jiping Zhang, Deputy Director of Mathematics and Physics of National Natural Science Foundation Liqun Zhang.
The school of Mathematics and System Sciences in Shandong University is the first postgraduate enrolment administrative unit of the State Council. Doctor Xiuyuan Yu is one of first eighteen doctors trained by our country in 1983, whose tutor is the famous mathematician in the world-professor Chengdong Pan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the past twenty years, there were more than 500 graduate students and almost 200 doctors who worked as core members in their respective field. Some worked as prominent entrepreneurs, and some had received acclaim from all fields in society.