The University of International Business and Economics Law School, is one of the first four higher education academies with doctoral programs. Founded in 1984, the UIBE Law School has undergone significant development as China has opened up to the world. At present, it has two doctoral programs (International Law and Civil Law), first-rate master programs, postdoctoral programs and a student body of over 1000.
For the past 20 years, the UIBE Law School has focused on law education of national and international standard. Undergraduate education emphasizes on law, the mastery of English as well as knowledge of international trade and transaction, while graduate and doctoral education place more emphasis upon research and social work.
The UIBE Law School has been proud of the performance of its graduates, many of whom now play active roles in promoting business and economic cooperation between China and other countries. The UIBE Law School welcomes more and more outstanding students to enhance its diversity, vigor, social concern, and academic ability of the student community.
International Law Program, majoring in Public International Law, Private International Law and International Economic Law, was established on Jan. 3, 1984, and was the first doctoral program of UIBE. It became one of the National Key Research Programs in 2002 with an educational emphasis on legal theories, international trade and mastery of English.
National key study program and high-level research
With the effort of Dean Feng Datong, Dean Shen Sibao and all other faculties, International Law Program now has a highly qualified research team. In 2005, the Research Committee of The International Economic Law of Chinese Law Association was established at the UIBE Law School. This Research Committee has now become the most prestigious research organization in the field. WTO Jurisprudence Research Center was also established with sponsorship of China’s Fifth ‘Ten-Year’ ‘211 Program’. Faculties of International Law are also involved in many research programs sponsored by the National Social Science Fund, Ministry of Education, Legal Department, Ministry of Commerce and the State Department. Nearly hundreds of papers have been published in national legal reviews, and many books of legal research have been published.
Doctoral Program, high-level teaching and research
The International Law Program was one of the first two doctoral programs of UIBE. Its International Business Law Program was awarded the National Key Study Program by the Ministry of Education. The textbook of International Business Law has sold over 100 thousand copies, and is now the most influential publication of the field.
Other courses, such as International Investment Law, receive great popularity among students. Through years of practice, faculties have developed special teaching method, including case and bilingual teaching method. Case books in English, such as International Business Law Case Study, Corporate Law, International Law,Piercing the Corporate Veilhave played important roles in cultivating students’ ability to master the knowledge of law, English, international trade and transaction .
The International Law Program has also achieved significant success in its Graduate and Doctoral educations. Major law firms throughout China welcome our graduates. More than 10 masters and doctors are from other countries or areas, such as HK, Britain and Korea. In 2003, the Exchange Project with EU Lawyers was hosted by the UIBE Law School, which has achieved broad recognition.
International Exchange Program
A great number of the faculty members have study or research experience in Europe and the U.S. We also have frequent exchange visits with famous universities and research organizations overseas. Stable cooperative relationship has been established between UIBE and many foreign law schools. Summer programs and students exchange programs promote teaching and research at the UIBE Law School. Some professors are invited by oversea research organizations and universities as visiting scholars and have published articles in internationally renowned law journals. Such accomplishments offer the students top-notch legal education at the UIBE Law School.
The Civil Law Program has become one of the key parts of the UIBE Law School. Consisted of branches of Civil Law,Mercantile Law and Intellectual Property Law, this program now has a faculty body of 9, including 3 professors, 4 associate professors and 2 teaching staffs. Research of this program covers every important area of this field, especially Civil Law Theories, Contract Law, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property Law. On July 1998, Civil Law Program had its first master program. Now it has 7 master advisors and the application for the doctoral program has already been in process.
Economic Law Program has been one of the three most important parts of the UIBE Law School. At present, with an integrated system of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education, high-level faculties, experts such as Professor Shen Daming, Professor Shen Sibao, and visiting experts from famous law schools overseas, teaching and research of Economic Law Program have been developing stably.
The frontier of economic law study
The Economic Law program focuses on the integrated and systematic undergraduate and graduate education, which cope well with China’s economic development. The research team, led by Professor Huang Yong and consisted of associate professors, has published a great number of works in the domestic and international law journals. Research into competition law, Financial law, Insurance law, and social security law has been published in International Completion Law Study, Anti-trust Case Study, Contemporary Finance Legal System and Operation of China, Law of Credit- Theory and Practice, and China Security Insurance Law Study. The recent establishment of Competition Law Study Center serves as a breakthrough for studies in this area. So far, the center has undertaken many research programs, such as China Trading Policy and Completion Policy Study for the Ministry of Commence, China Anti-trust Legislation Study for the State Department, Study on Competition Limitation Agreement and Anti-Trust for the Legal Department, and Competition Law Study of UIBE ‘211 Program’. In the areas of Financial Law and Insurance Law, teams of associate professors are undertaking research programs to achieve further breakthroughs.
Seminars of Economic Law have been held consistently, inviting experts from governmental departments, research organizations and enterprises, to add diversity and fresh blood into research of Economic Law. Professor Huang Yong, experts of Competition Law, is now one of the key members drafting the Competition Law of China. Our Achievement of economic law study has been commonly recognized nationally and internationally.
International Cooperation and Exchange
Economic Law targets at the cultivation of all-round students, the mastery of English, and knowledge in international trade and transaction as well as knowledge of law, which play a crucial part in our law education.
Our students are extensively exposed to the latest progress in the field, as English materials and textbooks are broadly used in class. Combination of Socratic teaching method and communications with top law schools overseas equip our students with global visions.
The combination of theory study and practice, which takes form of case analysis, comparative analysis and mock debate in classes, encourages students to utilize in-class knowledge in practice. Through legal aid organizations and social services, students have opportunities to solve real problems in a social context, which is greatly beneficial for the formation of the knowledge system..