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Specialties of Undergraduate Programmes
    Material Processing and Control
    Industry Design
    Process Equipments and Control Engineering

    Electronic Information Engineering
    Communication Engineering
    Electrical Engineering and Automation
    Information Science and Technology
    Chemical Engineering and Technology
    Applied Chemistry
    Pharmaceutical Engineering
    Pharmaceutical Preparation Engineering
    Light Industry Engineering
    Environment Engineering
    Printing Engineering
    Environment Science (Pulp and Paper-making)
    Environment Science (Leather Chemistry Engineering)
    Forestry Chemistry
    Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering
    Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
    Material Chemistry
    Material Physics
    Food Science and Engineering
    Food Quality and Safety

    International Economy and Trade
    Information Management and Information System
    Financial Management
    Human Resources Management
    International Economy and Trade (Diploma Program)

    Art Design (Visual Communication Design)
    Art Design (Environment Art Design)
    Art Design (Exhibit Design)
    Art Design (Decoration Art Design)
    Industry Design
    Garment Design and Engineering (Garment Design and Engineering oriented)
    Garment Design and Engineering (Performance and Style-Design oriented)

    Administration of Public Affairs
    Administration Management
    Information and Computing Science
    Optical Information Science and Technology

    Vocational Technology
    Department of Information Science and Technology
    Department of Mechanical Design & Manufacture and Automation
    Financial Administration and Affairs
    Financial Insurance
    Investment and Financing
    Legal Affairs
    Information Technology

    Mechanical Design & Manufacture (Diploma Program)
    Electronic Information Engineering (Diploma Program)
Specialties of Master's Programmes

1. Pulp and Paper-making
2. Leather Chemistry and Engineering
3. Fermentation Engineering
4. Food Science
5. Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
6. Material
7. Art Design
8. Applied Chemistry
9. Applied Information Technology
10. Monitoring Technology and Automation
11. Research on Sinicizing Marxism
12. Polymer Chemistry and Physics
13. Material Physics and Chemistry
14. Chemistry Technology
15. Control Theory and Control Engineering
16. Mechanical Design and Theory
17. Sugar Engineering
18. Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products
19. Bio-chemistry Engineering
Enrollment of Overseas Students of Shandong Institute of Light Industry


1. Long-term overseas students
(1) Courses:
Grade I: A. Fundamental Chinese (10 hours / week) B. Basic Chinese Listening and Speaking (6)  
C. Beginners' Reading (4)
Grade II: A. Intermediate Chinese (8) B. Intermediate Listening and Speaking (4) C. Simple 
Chinese Reading (4) D. Chinese Composition (2)
Grade III: A. Advanced Chinese (8) B. Intermediate Oral Chinese (4) C. Chinese Newspaper
Reading (4) D. Chinese Culture(2) E. Movies (2)
Grade IV: A. Advanced Chinese (6) B. Classic Chinese (4) C. Advanced Oral Chinese (4)
D. Writing and Rhetoric (2) E. The Selective Readings of Modern Chinese Literature (2)
F. Speech (2)
Our institute can also provide overseas students with lectures according to the students' special
requirements. We give lectures on Geography, History, Religion, Culture, Customs, Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, Drama, Art, Traditional Chinese Music and the History of Chinese Civilization.
(2) Application Procedures
The students may directly contact International Exchange Center of SDILI for application forms and other information, or can be recommended by domestic or international institutions and organizations. After checking application forms, the International Exchange Center will send Admission Notice and JW202 form to students. Long-term students are required to register with their Admission Notice, JW202 Form, Physical Examination Record and the Certificate of Economic Security at the beginning of each semester (the end of Feb. and the end of Aug.). Short-term students may register at any time during the school year.
(3) Fees
A. Tuition: A long-term (one semester or longer) student pays U.S. $800 per semester.
B. Lodging Expenses:
  Twin share-standard room (two students share one room with bathroom, air-conditioner, TV and     
telephone ) costs US $4 /person/ day; single room (also with bathroom , air-conditioner, TV and telephone) costs US $7 / person / day.
C. Registration Fee: US$ 30 / person.
D. Course Materials: The student pays for his textbooks, reference books and tapes at current
E. Food and Medical Services:
The student himself pays for his food and medical services. Within a week after registration, students should pay all the tuition for a semester or one academic year as well as the lodging expenses for one semester.
2. Short-term students (one month or longer)
(1) Courses: The same as the courses for long-term students.
(2) Application Procedures: Short term students may register at any time in the year, the rest of the
requirements are the same as that for long term students.
(3) Fees:
A. Tuition: Each student pays US$200 each month .
B. Lodging: Twin share-standard room (two students share one room with bathroom, air-
  conditioner, TV and telephone costs US$3.5/person/day, single room (also with bathroom,
  air-conditioner, TV and telephone) costs US$6/person/day.
C. Registration fee: US$30/person.
D. Course Materials: The student pays for his textbooks, reference books and tapes at current
E. Food and Medical Services: The student himself pays for his food and medical services.

Welcome to study at Shandong Institute of light Industry(山东轻工业学院)