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Welcome to China Conservatory(中国音乐学院)

The China Conservatory is an institution that synthesizes the study and research of Chinese traditional music, focusing on performance, composition, theory, and music technology.The Conservatory also offers training in other fields of music as well as music education.

The China Conservatory was founded on September 21, 1964.It combined the resources of the Central Conservatory Chinese Music Department, the Beijing Arts Academy Music Department, and the China Music Research Institute, as well as bringing together renowned musicians and scholars in the field from across the country.Presently, the China Conservatory offers the following eight fields of study: Musicology, Composition, Chinese Instruments, Vocal and Opera, Piano, Music Education, Conducting, and Arts Administration.In addition, there are departments of Music Research, Extra-musical Studies, Adult Education, International Exchange, as well as an affiliated Secondary School.The Conservatory therefore offers study programs for secondary school students, undergraduates, research graduates, adults, as well as foreign students.

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Welcome to study at China Conservatory(中国音乐学院)