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Accommodation & Transportation
(1). Registration fee: US$ 35 per person
(2) . Tuition rates for different programs:
☆ Chinese Language Program: US$400 for three months study per person; US$ 700 for one semester,; US$1,400 for one year,
☆ Undergraduate Program: one semester, US$ 700; one year, US$1,400
(3). book fee: US$ 25 per semester
(4). Accommodation and board Rates: US$ 2 per day per person for housing . Condition: three occupancy, phone, TV set and bathroom are provided. Double room US$ 12 per day. The board expenses in Foreigner Cafe is US$ 50 per month per person. The board expense of Student Dining Hall is US$ 40 per person.
(5). Others: Medical fees and the travel cost not included in program are covered by the applicant himself

Welcome to study at Shanxi agricultural university(山西农业大学)