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Why us

Founded in 1902, Beijing Normal University (BNU) is one of China’s earliest-established institutions of higher learning as well as one of the key universities in the country.
At present, BNU has 22 schools, 6 departments, 14 research institutes and a number of research centers, and offers 52 undergraduate programs. BNU can confer Master’s degrees in 127 disciplines and Doctorates 70. It has 16 post-doctoral research centers.


In the year of 2005, the arts subjects of BNU is the 7th best among the universities and colleges in China; the subjects of Chinese Language and Culture, Pre-school Education, Historical Studies, Psychology, Studies of Educational Techniques, etc are among the top subjects; and the subjects of Chinese Language, Education, Special Needs Education are the 2nd best subjects in China. BNU has a modernized library of 2,900,000 books and 117 scientific laboratories.


There is a large student body including over 8,000 undergraduates, over 8,000 graduate students, over 10,000 undergraduate and diploma students for adult education, and more than 1,500 long-term international students. BNU began to accept students from abroad in 1965. Over the years, BNU has accumulated rich experience with the Chinese language program and major-related courses for international students.


In recent years, BNU has become well-known all around the world, and welcome an increasing number of international students into all of BNU’s schools and departments. Moreover, all of BNU’s schools, departments and institutes welcome international scholars to visit BNU to carry out research.


As one of the first bases in China cultivating the Chinese teachers for foreigners, College of Chinese Language and Culture (CCLC) of BNU shoulders the responsibility of teaching international students Chinese.


It offers the international students undergraduate course of Chinese Language. The College also fosters the native and foreign post-graduate students majoring in Chinese Characters and Vocabulary, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. So far, CCLC has fostered more than 10,000 international students from over 50 countries.


BNU warmly welcomes students who will obey Chinese laws and BNU’s regulations and respect Chinese customs, and sincerely wishes to deepen its friendship with all countries through academic exchanges.


Welcome to study at Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学)