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Tuition and Fees
      Tuition Fees
2008-2009 academic year
      Undergraduate program: RMB15000 yuan per person per year
      Language program: RMB15000 yuan per person peryear
      RMB7500 yuan per person per semester
      RMB3500 yuan per person for one-month term
      RMB4500 yuan per person for two-month term
      RMB5500 yuan per person for three-month term
      Application fees      RMB 400 yuan
      Accommodation fees      Single room: RMB30 per room per day
      Double room: RMB20 per person per day
      Meals      Campus cafeteria meals will usually cost RMB 500 Yuan per person per month
      Miscellaneous fees      Medicare and other expenses vary from student to student and will be charged according to relevant regulations. International students who study more than half year in our university will receive free personal-insurance paid by Changchun University.

Welcome to study at Changchun University(长春大学)