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Business School商学院
List of Subjects
1 Business Administration (Bachelor) Program: Business Administration ...  Apply
2 Accounting (Bachelor) Program: Accounting (Bachelor) ...  Apply
3 Marketing (Bachelor) Program: Marketing (Bachelor) ...  Apply
4 International Financial Management (Bachelor)(English-taught program) Program: International Financial ...  Apply
5 E-Business (Bachelor)   Apply
6 Accounting (Master)   Apply
7 Business Management (Master) Program: Business Management (Master ...  Apply
8 MBA (English-taught program) Program: MBA Offered By: Business ...  Apply
9 Accounting (Master)   Apply
10 Business Studies In this short-term program that ...  Apply
UIBE's Business School was established in 1982, initially as the Department of Economic Management at the University of International Business and Economics. Since its foundation, the School has adopted the advanced international business education curriculum. These advanced theories and concepts include teaching resources in business administration, marketing, financial management, accounting and other courses. A majority of the faculty members can teach in English, and use texts and case studies in English.
Business School has four departments: Management, Accounting, Marketing and Statistics. As of May 2008, the School has 71 tenure faculty members, more than half of whom have PhD degrees from top universities in China and abroad. A number of them are members of international professional associations (such as ACCA and CGA).
Business School offers a variety of programs at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. The undergraduate program covers five specializations, including Business Administration, Accounting, Marketing, Financial Management and Human Resource Management. The postgraduate program covers three subjects. These are: Business Administration, Accounting, Technology Economics and Management. In addition, the School offers MBA, EMBA and international MBA programs. The doctoral program consists of two specializations, including Business Administration and Industrial Economics.
At the heart of the Business School brand is the highly qualified faculty. As of September 2008, the School has 74 tenure faculty members, of whom 24 are professors, 19 being supervisors in doctoral programs, 33 associate professors, and 17 lecturers. More than sixty percent of the faculty has got PhD degree from top universities in China and abroad. A number of them are members of international professional associations (such as ACCA and CGA).

The ability of the Business School to attract people of the highest calibre is a source of great satisfaction and pride. Its success in competing for talent with other top ranking business schools is also a mark of its international standing. These people, in turn, enable the school to create innovative programmes for its excellent students.
Business School emphasizes the systematic integration of business management subjects and making a contribution to managerial knowledge in the field of economics, management, finance, accounting, marketing, operation, statistics, and management science Students receive comprehensive training in applied economics, statistics, operational management and methodologies in behavioral science. The School also develops cases based on the practices of Chinese enterprises in order to understand their evolution and transformation, their strategy and business models.
Length of Study
Undergraduate program: 4 years
Master graduate program: 2 years
Doctoral program: 3-4 years
Application deadline
For fall semester (approximately late August or early September to late December or mid January): April 10 -June 10.

For spring semester (approximately late February or early March to late mid July): October 8 -November 30.
Entry requirements
Undergraduate students: High school graduation, good health, HSK Elementary Level C or higher
Master graduate students: Bachelor's degree, good health, HSK Intermediate Level C or higher
Doctoral students: Master's degree, good health, HSK Intermediate Level C or higher
Tuition (RMB/person)
Student Type
Application Fee
Tuition for One Academic Year
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students
Doctoral Students

Welcome to study at University of International Business and Econ..(对外经济贸易大学)