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Xuzhou Medical University, situated in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province (one of richest and most powerful province of China), it is an institution of higher education under the direct administration of Jiangsu Provincial Government. Established in 1958, XZMU has now become the center of medical education, medical service and medical research in the north of Jiangsu Province as well as in the whole Huaihai Economic Zone. The university has 21 affiliated hospitals, 15 teaching hospitals, 18 schools and more than 14,000 students, of which around 442 are international students from more than 50 countries.

. Duration:6 months

. Curriculum


Courses:Online study through computer system

Chinese Language, A Survey to China, Advanced Mathematics, Medical Physics, Medical Chemistry, Medical Biology, etc.

. Admission Qualifications

1.Age 18-20 with physical and mental health. (plan to study MBBS)

Age 18-23 with physical and mental health. (plan to study Nursing)

2. Applicants must have senior high school diploma or above, all grades should meet admission standards.

3. English proficiency: If the official language is English, the grades should meet admission standards. If not, student should submit the IELTS score at least 5.5, or the relevant certificates of English as the working and learning language for university study.

4. Applicants shall abide by the laws of China and the regulations of XZMU.

.Application and Registration Time

Application time: 1 Jan, 2021-31 Mar, 2021

Registration time: According to the time stipulated in the admission letter.

.Application Procedures

1. Apply at https://xzhmu.17gz.org/

2. School of International Education will select the outstanding applicants according to application materials and admission scheme. Usually applicants will get E-admission letter or reply in 3 workdays after submitting application materials. After that applicants should pay full tuition fee (with passport number as remittance information).

3. Confirming the tuition fee,XZMUwill invite the applicants to the study system and wechat group.

5. Applicants need not come to university nor apply for X visa to study in China.

6. Failing to join the study within one week, will be regarded as automatic withdrawal, and partial refund is available according to the work carried out.

. Graduation and Registration

Completing all the courses of pre-medical program, students must participate in the online graduation examination. The qualified students will get graduation certifications and be allowed to apply undergraduate program of M.B.B.S. or Nursing in XZMU with priority. After undergraduate enrollment, JW202 form for X visa will be processed for students according to the COVID-19 epidemic situation and national policies, so that students can come to register and study in China.

Applicants must fill the future major(M.B.B.S. or Nursing)at “hobby” in the application system, but after finishing the program applicants still have one opportunity to change the major application. In this case, applicants must be corresponding to the requirements of admission notice in the current year, andXZMU will decide whether the application is approved according to student’s study and comprehensive ability.

XZMU will give priority to recommend or provide well-performed students to provincial government scholarship or special scholarship for new students in Nursing.

. Fees (CNY)

Tuition fee: 12 000/ program/person

Hostel fee: 2 300/person/6 months (double room) for students in China

Others: For students in China, university will help you go through all procedures such as physical examination, residence permit and insurance. Students have to pay required fees to the acceptors during all procedures. All fees are not refundable and their use can’t be changed.

Welcome to study at Xuzhou Medical University(徐州医科大学)