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Accommodation & Transportation
1. Secondary school student: 15,000 yuan/yr
2. Three-year college student and undergraduate: 21,000 yuan/yr
3. Master degree cabdidate: 27,000 yuan/yr or 10,000 yuan/term
4. General advanced-study students:18,000 yuan/yr
5. 80% of the tuition can be refunded if a student withdraws or transfers to another school before the commencement of a term; 50% of the tuition can be refunded if the student withdraws or transfers to another school after the commencement of a term
6. Accomodation: 3,000 yuan per person per year
7. At the end of the study, tourist activity can be arranged by SCCM but will be charged according to the actual expense.

Welcome to study at Sichuan Conservatory of Music(四川音乐学院)