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Welcome to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(广东外语外贸大学)

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is one of the prestigious universities in China which specializes in international studies and one of the key institutions of higher learning in Guangdong Province in South China. The University was established in June 1995 through the merger of Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages and Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade. The former, one of three institutes of foreign languages in that era (the other two being Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages and Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages) under the direct jurisdiction of the State Education Commission (presently Ministry of Education), witnessed its establishment in the year 1965. The latter was founded in 1980, and was one of the four institutions of international trade directly under Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (presently Ministry of Commerce).


The University is situated in Guangzhou, a city with a long history and rich cultural legacy and the economic hub in South China. It boasts three campuses, namely North Campus, South Campus and Dalang Campus, w..View more

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Business Administration 工商管理 Master's Degree RMB48000/Y Details

Welcome to study at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(广东外语外贸大学)